
Unlocking Divine Purpose: Dr. Portia Lockett
Being a spiritual advisor, Chaplain, grief recovery method specialist, inspirational speaker and CEO of the Azal Benne Lockett Foundation has been a series of chapters that each

Healing Holiday Hearts with Dr. Portia Lockett: A Journey Through Grief
Healing Holiday Hearts with Dr. Portia Lockett: A Journey Through Grief In the complex tapestry of human emotions, grief emerges as a profound and often

Workplace Grief? Go Where You Are Celebrated, Not Tolerated
A few years ago, an exceptionally qualified individual came into my office in tears, feeling overlooked, unappreciated, overwhelmed, and consistently overworked. She had been with

Mama Love by Dr. Portia Lockett
By Dr. Portia Lockett, Contributing Writer I can remember vividly my mother standing in the kitchen with a colorful apron wrapped around her 25-inch waistline

Daddy’s World/ Daddy’s Girl
Just the other day, I was reading my dad’s obituary and realized how blessed and fortunate I was to be the daughter of Willie B.

By Dr. Portia Lockett Yes, Grief! It’s a normal response to the loss of someone or something that was important to us. Did you know

When Sadness Doesn’t Subside: The Top 3 Common Types of Grief
By: Dr. Portia Lockett, PhDH There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. Because grieving is extremely personalized and individualized, it is possible

The Call I Never Wanted to Receive
By: Dr. Portia Lockett, PhDH We all have received phones calls that we anticipated, wanted, and unwanted at some point in our lives. However, on

Grieving The Big Break Up!
Dealing with a relationship breakup during the holiday season can be particularly challenging due to the emphasis on joy, family, and togetherness. Here are some

You Have Permission to Love Again
By Dr. Portia Lockett, Contributing Columnist Losing someone through death, divorce, or the end of a long-term relationship can be emotionally challenging and draining. Take

Rising Out of Grief and Into Gratitude
Rising Out of Grief and Into Gratitude 3 Steps to Manage Your Grief Towards a Brighter Future. Grief is a superpower. This needs to be