Dr Portia Lockett’s greatest joy is to engage with others in person.

From non-profit events, church conferences, and global gatherings to corporate meetings and university lectures…
Dr. Portia Lockett has engaged audiences around the globe with her unique insights into the emotional process associated with loss or change. Her expert advice, practical solutions, and comforting messages have provided tangible support for individuals facing grief and trauma. Drawing on her training as a Chaplain and Grief Recovery Specialist, Dr. Lockett offers tailored guidance that encourages growth and healing while inspiring positive coping strategies within each individual's unique journey of grief.

Grief can be overwhelming and difficult for employers to manage. It is important to remember that each person has their own unique way of expressing and dealing with grief, which means the same approach will not work for everyone.
As a leader, it is essential that you are proactive about protecting your staff’s mental health during this challenging time.
Dr. Portia Lockett has spent years helping others through difficult times, building relationships with those marginalized by trauma, and bridging the gap between crisis intervention and long-term emotional stability.
Drawing from deeply meaningful stories about losing loved ones as well as decades of professional experience working in this field, she’ll provide insightful strategies for overcoming challenges – both practical tips as well as guidance from her own lived experience.
No matter what background you come from or where you are in your journey of healing, let Dr. Portia Lockett give you hope during these trying times. Contact her today to discuss how she may be of support to you or your organization.
This keynote will explore the far-reaching psychological effects of police brutality, gender-based violence, and economic insecurity on employee well-being. With recent news stories of violence against people of color and women as well as high levels of unemployment across all industries, this keynote will discuss how these events can cause grief and shape individual behavior in the workplace.
Drawing on Dr. Portia Lockett’s experience as a grief recovery specialist, we’ll examine the impact that trauma has on employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health.
We’ll look at how employers can recognize signs of grief in their workforce and provide necessary support for employees who need it most. This keynote will also explore ways to create a safe work environment by providing resources to help employees manage their mental health and cultivate understanding between coworkers from different backgrounds. By the end of this session, participants will have a better understanding of how to support their employees during times of crisis and beyond.
In today’s world, leaders must be prepared to recognize and respond to signs of grief in their workplaces. Join Dr. Portia Lockett as she explores what it means to lead with compassion.
Discover practical strategies for understanding and addressing employees’ struggles with the death of a loved one, a life-threatening illness and/or divorce. Learn how to foster a supportive work environment where employees can seek assistance when they experience symptoms of grief such as sadness, loss of energy, difficulty focusing on tasks, feeling overwhelmed or agitated.
With Dr. Lockett’s guidance, gain invaluable insight into how to effectively manage grief in the workplace while building stronger relationships among coworkers that foster understanding and respect.
This keynote will provide helpful guidance on navigating through the loss of a loved one, relationship, home or job while recognizing signs and symptoms of grief, as well as practical coping techniques.
It will help attendees recognize the normal emotions associated with grief, including sadness, loneliness, guilt, and anger. Additionally, attendees will learn practical tools to cope with these complex emotions, such as problem-solving skills, mindfulness and relaxation techniques, positive self-talk and communication strategies.
As we all face our own unique losses in life, it is essential to recognize that grief is an individual experience that can be navigated with confidence. Attendees will leave this keynote empowered with the knowledge of how to recognize and respond to the wide range of feelings associated with grief.


in the media
Dr. Portia Lockett Poem at the Michigan Chronicle Women of Excellence 2019
Hear From the Experts: IATW Retreat Speakers and Attendees Share Their Experiences
Diamonds In The Ruff 2019
Good Grief: Life After Loss with Dr. Portia Lockett and Dr. Rhonda Mattox
The Secret Society Of Twisted Storytellers- THE BEST OF TWISTED
Finding Gratitude Through Grief w/Dr. Portia Lockett & Barbara Bankston on ELSP
Event Photos